The benefits of minute-by-minute local energy trading

Article by Dr David Mutch & Anthony Price A Local Energy Market (LEM) is an intuitively simple idea. A consumer is using energy; their neighbour’s solar panel is generating surplus. Instead of selling this surplus to a supplier, who then sells it back to their neighbour, the generator sells direct to their neighbour. The generator gets a better price, incentivising renewable generation and benefitting the environment, their neighbour gets cheaper energy, and the varying price of electricity encourages energy generation and consumption at times of day that benefit the distribution network.

RED: Regenerative Dekade – Regenerative Earth Decade. 100 % Erneuerbare Energien…

…sind nur der Anfang für notwendige Klimastabilisierungsaktionen.Eine neue Ära in der Geschichte der Menschheit hat begonnen, mit einer neuen Phase in der fossil befeuerten Transformation der Arktis Eine russisch-schwedische Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern meldete Ende Oktober vom Forschungsschiff R/V Akademik Keldysh nie vorher…