

Campaign: „No Stop of the Energy Transition!“

EUROSOLAR Germany published the Campaign "Kein Stopp der Energiewende!" (No Stop of the Energy Transition) in March/April 2016. Thanks to the generous support of the members, the campaign was published in nationwide newspapers in the middle of April. Further information as well as the text in German can be found on the EUROSOLAR-website in German. The energy transition meets the desire of the majority of our society, secures the future of our innovative economy and creates hundreds of thousands of new jobs. By means of clever public communication on the so-called energy demand, the impression prevails; the renewables are expanded too quickly. In the shadow of this false perception, the Grand Coalition is planning a radical change in their energy policy. Although nearly 90% of the energy demand in Germany (electricity, heat, fuels) is covered by fossil-nuclear energy sources, the expansion of renewable energies, which has been drastically reduced in recent years, is to be frozen at a low level. Even with the deformation of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) in 2014, the addition of solar and biogas plants has dramatically collapsed. If the planned EEG 2016 now also drastically reduces the amount of wind power on land, the energy turnaround is finally stalled.


EUROSOLAR organizes several conferences and symposia each year. For following up on the results of these events, we offer to buy the proceedings of the conferences. The proceedings include the authorized materials of the conference, including the presentations, the papers…

New Energy Market Order (NEMO)

For two decades the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has kept the world drifting in a fog of fatal illusions, led by notoriously diluted, politically contaminated and tactically delayed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. The two-degree temperature increase over pre-industrial levels and associated 450 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentration targets promoted at UNFCCC negotiations are scientifically proven to be dangerously high and risk a permanently destabilized climate regime.

Where we should go, but do not go. Looking at Germany, Ethiopia – and South Africa

On 18 November 2016 the Nuclear-Free Future Award (NFAA) was presented in Johannesburg, South Africa. As part of the symposium “Think Nuclear-Free!” Dr. Axel Berg, chair of EUROSOLAR Germany, presented the following speech analyzing chances and obstacles of the energy transition in Germany and the African continent. The German Energiewende is rooted in the anti-nuclear movement of the 1970s and brings together both conservatives and conservationists — from environmentalists to the church. The shock of the oil crisis and the meltdowns in Chernobyl and Fukushima lead to the decision to close the last of 19 nuclear plants in 2022 and to the search for alternatives — and the invention of feed-in tariffs with full-cost compensation to cover the higher prices for renewables in those days.