

Luxembourg toward a more favorable framework for renewable energy supplies

Article by Lidia Rahal, EUROSOLAR Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l, published in SOLARZEITALTER 02/2019 Political and Governmental effort The launch of the working group undertaken by Jeremy RIFKIN in 2015 is one example of Luxembourg's deep motivation to achieve its objectives in the most effective way possible and to deliver on its Paris agreement  commitments. This initiative better known as the third industrial revolution strategy (T.I.R) led to the engagement of several actors through a participatory approach not only at a regional, or local scale but rather at a national level.

Founding the Dutch section EUROSOLAR.NL

Article by Frank Lenzmann, Carol Olson, published in SOLARZEITALTER 02/2019 EUROSOLAR is delighted to announce the foundation of a new section in the heart of the European Union: the Netherlands. Two of the founding members, Carol Olsen and Frank Lenzmann, give us an exclusive insight in how the idea of EUROSOLAR.NL developed and why it is so important to watch the market closely and promote renewable energies in the Netherlands

Weißbuch Regeneratives Europa 2018 für ein Europa 100% dezentraler erneuerbarer Energien

Elemente einer Neuen EnergiemarktrahmenverordnungEUROSOLAR-Positionen 1988-2018, erweitert für 2018-2028 für das Symposium  “Ein Europa der Erneuerbaren Energien“ anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens von EUROSOLAR am 27. September 2018 in Berlin Energiewende als Friedensprojekt – Große Versprechungen, langsamer FortschrittEUROSOLAR wurde 1988 gegründet, um…