

Solar architecture à la française – Winners of the Solar Decathlon 2019

Seiten aus sde19 visiting guide
The internationally renowned university competition in innovative homebuilding “Solar Decathlon Europe” has elected this year’s champions during the last two weeks of July in Szentendre, Hungary. The competition aims at demonstrating how to meet energy needs from free resources like solar energy and how to integrate these technologies with affordable and reliable architectural solutions.

European Solar Prize – Application deadline extended until 15 August 2019

Bonn/Luxembourg, 22 July 2019. In order to save our common livelihood, we have to take action now. A real energy turnaround towards 100 percent renewable energy needs to be implemented now by actors on various levels of society and politics. Luckily, there are shining examples of creativity and engagement for renewables to be found all over Europe. Some of them will be awarded with the European Solar Prize 2019 in Luxembourg on 15 November.

Klimaschutz, Grenzsteuer und CO2-Preis: Ohne EEG geht es nicht

Letzte Woche stand ganz im Zeichen des deutschen Bemühens um Klimaschutz – oder zumindest der vollmundigen Versprechen. Am Dienstag ließ sich Ursula von der Leyen nach einem wortgewaltigen Klimaschutzplädoyer zur Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission wählen. Am Donnerstag kam das so genannte Klimakabinett der Bundesregierung zusammen, um über Instrumente zum Erreichen der Klimaziele zu sprechen.


New Reports, published in SOLARZEITALTER 02/2019 Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050 (2019 Edition) As the urgency to take bold climate action grows, new analysis by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) finds that scaling-up renewable energy combined with electrification could deliver more than three quarters of the energy-related emission reductions needed to meet global climate goals. According to the latest edition of IRENA’s Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050, launched in April at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, pathways to meet 86 per cent of global power demand with renewable energy exist. Electricity would cover half of the global final energy mix. Global power supply would more than double over this period, with the bulk of it generated from renewable energy, mostly solar PV and wind.