

Energy around the world

Vamos al futuro Spain. The South of Europe shows us what a coal exit without generous palliative measures on the part of the state looks like: in Spain, the end of climate-damaging energy production is taking place much more quietly, but above all much more quickly. Seven of Spain's 15 coal-fired power stations were taken off the grid at the end of last month.  All but two of operators of the remaining plants have already applied for decommissioning. Greenpeace Spain assumes that no coal-fired power plants will be on the grid by 2025 at the latest. This would mean that the Iberians would be much quicker than Germany, which does not want to shut down its last coal-fired power station until 2038.

Designing Coronomics – For a real energy transition!

Article by Dr. Axel Berg Since the financial crisis of 2008, the leading industrialised countries have increasingly closed themselves off and protected their own industries and agriculture. The rules of the World Trade Organization are increasingly being ignored. Bilateral trade agreements are on the rise. Trade is becoming increasingly unfree. Under US President Trump, the policy of isolation has been accelerated. In 2020, Corona comes and deals another blow to the world economy: the vulnerability of our global system is becoming more and more obvious.

About the role of energy storage and synthetic fuels in defossilized energy systems*

By Dr. Diana Böttger et al. In this article we analyze three different scenarios for a complete defossilization of the German energy supply system. The focus is hereby on flexible technologies and synthetic fuels in the year 2050. These technologies are necessary to balance supply and demand in a system based on weather-dependent renewable energy sources. The power sector is able to cover a considerable share of the energy demand in the heat and transport sector. This is made possible by flexible sector coupling technologies such as heat pumps and electric mobility. All considered models manage to find solutions for a deep defossilization if flexibility and storage options are available.

International Renewable Energy Storage Web Summit – IRES 2020

Special times require special measures. As organizers of the annual IRES conference, we were obliged to think of a new concept to keep all our participants safe and sound while creating a space for scientific exchange and discussion. Therefore, for the first time in its history, the traditional International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES) took place online as a web summit. Nearly 50 scientists from all over the world presented their latest research results on the storage of renewable energies. This event also marked EUROSOLARs preparations for its next twin conference: the IRES 2021 in partnership with Energy Storage Europe at Messe Düsseldorf, 16-18 March 2021.